David Brown calls evangelicals back to what we say we believe but are often too lazy to practice. In practical terms, he reminds us that sound preaching is driven by solid exegesis. Without question this is a crucial reminder in today’s “easy-does-it” church culture. As a pastor, I am both challenged and encouraged by his insights on the process of building sermons.

Dr. Shawn Parker Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church, Columbus MS

David Brown, Author

JEM Publishing, March 2014

Are you concerned that your sermons may contain more of the world’s opinions and less of God’s actual message? Have you ever read a passage and wondered about the best way to turn it into a powerful sermon? David Brown gives you a clear, usable and repeatable pattern that will ensure your sermon faithfully conveys God’s message to your congregation. Everyone who is serious about his/her responsibility to faithfully preach God’s word must read this book.

Dr. John Morris Professor of Biblical Studies
Point University, West Point GA

Grounded: Anchoring the Evangelical Sermon in Theological Doctrine is available for purchase online Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

Why grounded? Why now?

For the past several decades studies on the internal workings of the evangelical church have reflected a movement away from solid theological teaching from the pulpit. Too often, sound biblical preaching has been replaced with prosperity sermons, business models, and self-help remedies that have produced a generation of believers that have become progressively ignorant of the Bible and Christian doctrines.

Grounded: Anchoring the Evangelical Sermon in Theological Doctrine  calls pastors back to their primary task of feeding the sheep. Grounded examines twenty passages and builds an interpretation based upon historical, literary and grammatical methodologies, then provides a sermon outline for each passage. Both pastors and Sunday school teachers alike will find this book helpful in preparing sermons and teaching outlines that are anchored in theological doctrine.

Anchoring the Evangelical Sermon in Theological Doctrine

Reviews Praise Grounded

"I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction".

2 Timothy 4:1-2